Thursday, July 17, 2008

Barcelona Skirts

I have become a bit obsessed with the Barcelona Skirt, a pattern made by Amy Butler. The awesome fabric store Crafty Planet had a Barcelona Skirt hanging in their store. I stared at it for about 10 minutes - it was such an unsual design! I loved it, but was way too intimidated to try it. Then my sister bought the pattern for me for Christmas (or was it my birthday?) and I decided to give it a whirl. I'm happy to say that it wasn't too hard! I did have to strain the brain a bit, but after the first one the others went well. One tip - make the apron overlay a bit on the smaller side instead of the larger (cause if it's too large, you can't tie it down tighter). I've made three so far. The underskirt isn't attached, so you can mix and match easily.

The first Skirt, made with Amy Butler fabrics:

The second skirt, birds pattern:

The third skirt - Japanese theme fabric from Joann's of all places: